Merchant Service / Credit Card Processing Application

Company Information

Business Entity Type:
Is your company a Non-Profit:
Your QBO Company ID can be found by logging into your QBO account and hitting CTRL+ALT+?

Principal Information

Date of Birth:
What version of QuickBooks do you currently use:
Who is your current Merchant Processor: (if none please enter N/A)
Do you have any peak months in your business where your credit card processing is in excess of $50,000? :
The fine print please read: Due to a new program (effective April 3, 2024) Intuit is now ‘shopping’ multiple vendors to provide NEW merchant processing client’s a potentially substantial savings on their credit card and ACH processing fees. As an executive Elite level Intuit products provider Busy Bee Advisors has been invited to pass this savings along. This offer is made directly from Intuit.
  • I understand that Busy Bee Advisors is acting ONLY as the referring party and has no influence or control over rates or special offers listed.
  • I have filled the information out and confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my ability